A Dry Herb Temperature Guide for Your Mini

Much like Goldilocks apocryphal journey through the pits of temperature experimentation via her unquenchable desire for that perfect bite of porridge, figuring out the best settings for your Sutra Vape Mini Vaporizer can be quite the daunting process.
But fear not, unlike Goldilocks solo expedition into the house of bear, we are here to help you through the process of understanding how exactly your temperature setting affects your dry herb vaping.
This means we are going to dive into relatively colder hits, medium levels, and all the way to the scorching hot high end right before reaching combustion.
So come along with us on this Sutra Vape Blog to learn everything there is to know about dry herb temperatures and your mini performance.
Mini Temperature Control
To begin we are going to go over a brief overview on how exactly you can read and change the current temperature on your mini vaporizer. In order to view your current temperature on the mini, refer to your display screen and look for the large three digit number.
In order to alter your current temperature you can make use of the built in plus and minus buttons. Situated right underneath the main power button, these two temperature selectors are here to allow you to easily and precisely alter your temperature in a flash.
The Mini itself has an overall temperature range of 320˚F all the way to 430˚F, these values represent the highest and lowest that your dry herbs can be vaped at. This gives you a variance of 110˚F to discover which temperature settings provide you with the most satisfying of clouds.
Always make sure to double check your current temperature setting at the beginning of your session in order to know exactly what your baseline is.
Temperature and Your Dry Herb
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the specific, it's important to realize that the temperature your dry herb is vaporized affects much more than just the harshness of your hit. The different levels of heating allow for your dry materials to react completely differently and for certain compounds within them to either be toned down or supercharged.
That means your dry herb can have startlingly different effects depending on the temperature; same materials but a completely different way to enjoy them. So always remember that different dry herbs are going to react differently to the temperature ranges, so always be open to experimentation and on the lookout for tips about which brands go well with which settings.
Chill Out with a Colder Temperature
For our first bowl of porridge, we are going to look at the cold end of the spectrum that exists between 320˚F - 355˚F. While Goldilocks would refer to this bowl as “too cold”, there's more than a couple reasons why this may actually be your “just right”.
First and foremost, vaping in this 320 - 355˚F range allows for the most flavorful of hits that retain all of their complex tastes for a truly pallet stimulating experience. Thanks to the lower vaporizing temperature, none of your dry herbs flavor is being toasted away but instead amplified to have you really getting the most out of your materials taste specificities.
With the lower temperature of vapor, you are going to experience hits as smooth as possible from your Mini. This is because the vapor being created from this temp range allows you to blow less dense clouds, that means you are protected from accidentally taking a hit that's too big.
As a direct result of this lower temperature, your throat is going to receive less potential irritation from long vapor sessions and allows for consistent day long usage without getting burnt out.
The Best of Both Worlds
Sitting down at the next chair at the dinner table, we find ourselves looking at the bowl of porridge that exists from 355˚F - 395˚F, otherwise known as “medium”. This mid-range catch all exists within the valley of doubt that lies between our cold and hot temperature vaporizing.
Vaporizing your dry herb at this temperature is going to provide you with a solid flavor profile, increasingly potent hits without becoming harsh, and a solid general starting point.
By operating in the middle of the spectrum, using medium temperatures allows for you to dip your toes in both pools of water.
Setting your Mini from 355˚F - 395˚F is the best way to initially try your dry materials, as it will give you the best overall picture of what it offers. From here you can either dial down for more flavor or instead dial it up for the most potent of clouds.
Spice Up Your Session with Hot Temperatures
At the head of the table lies a bowl of porridge with steam still rising, this is our temperature range of 395˚F - 430˚F and represents the scorching hot limits of what the Mini is capable of.
When using your Mini at these fiery heights, you can expect the potency of your dry herbs to be dialed up to 11 along with the overall harshness of your clouds. This means that while you may end up coughing a bit more, you are going to be absolutely rocketed to the far reaches of what your dry herb can offer.
At these high temperatures your Mini is truly flirting with combustion, so always make sure to allow for your device to cool after any particularly lengthy sessions.
Additionally when vaporizing at a higher temperature you are going to go through your dry materials much faster, a slight trade off to getting those most potent of hits.
Goodbye Goldilocks and Good Luck Seshing!
Well the Bears have just got home, so it's time for Goldilocks to sneak out a window and get the heck out of dodge! But not without retaining all of the important temperature information that we’ve just learned!
So next time you are firing up your Mini for a dry herb session, take the time to look back on our guide and experiment with the different temperature ranges of cold, medium, and hot! This will let you unlock the full potential of your materials without having to resort to guess work, so grab your Mini and dive into a world of clouds!
For more vaporizing know-how, be sure to check out our Sutra Blog right here!